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Worksheet on Ruth 1-4

Worksheet on Ruth 1-4

Q Worksheet on Ruth 1-4; Proverbs 31 Respond in 2-3 sentences to each question, and when applicable, provide specific examples from the biblical text in your response 1. From your reading of the Bible up to this point, how have women been depicted in the Bible? 2. What is the ethnicity of Ruth? According to the study notes and the introduction, what is the significance of Ruth’s nationality? 3. Names are significant in the book of Ruth. What do the following names mean: Elimelech, Bethlehem, Naomi, Marah, Boaz (see study notes)?4. According to the study notes on Ruth 2:2, what did the Mosaic Law require of landowners?1. Boaz is considered a “redeemer.” According to the study notes, what is the definition of a redeemer?

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The depiction of women in the Bible has been mostly of secondary or minor characters because of not being highlighted like male characters. Women had to be fertile to provide children to men and look after family members as well as household.